
Our carpets get cleaner and dry faster than our competition. One main reason for this is we use the Rx-20 by Hydramaster instead of using the outdated wand. This powerful Rx-20 is a rotary extraction tool that features 5 rotating spray jet heads and vacuum ports that deliver over 650 cleaning passes per minute. The unique rotating action of the head cleans each carpet fiber from five different angles. That's right ? this machine does in one minute what would take five techs all working at the same time to achieve! We also get 100% of the presprays out of the carpet when we do our final rense with the hot water extraction. On this final pass we remove 80-90% of the water we used to rinse which allows our carpets to dry in 1-2 hours not 1-2 days like the other guys!!!

Make your carpets More Than Clean!